Import a WordPress Database Using Virtualmin for Cheap WordPress Hosting in India

If you're looking for a cost-effective hosting solution for your WordPress website in India, you're in the right place. In this guide, we will show you how to import a WordPress database using Virtualmin, a user-friendly control panel, making your journey to cheap WordPress hosting in India smoother and more efficient.

Step 1: Access Your Virtualmin Control Panel

Log in to your Virtualmin control panel using the credentials provided by your hosting provider. Virtualmin simplifies server management, making it accessible for users with varying levels of technical expertise.

Step 2: Navigate to the "MySQL Database" Section

Once logged in, navigate to the "Webmin" section, and from there, go to "Servers" > "MySQL Database Server."

Step 3: Create a New Database

To import your WordPress database, you first need to create an empty database. Click on "Create a new database" and provide a name for your database. Make a note of this name as you will need it later.

Learn More About How To Import WordPress Database Using Virtuamin 

Step 4: Create a Database User

Next, create a database user and assign it privileges to the database you just created. Ensure you remember the username and password for this user.

Step 5: Access phpMyAdmin

To import your WordPress database, you can use phpMyAdmin, a popular database management tool. In Virtualmin, you can access phpMyAdmin by clicking on "Return to servers" and then selecting "phpMyAdmin."

Step 6: Import the WordPress Database

Inside phpMyAdmin, select the database you created in Step 3 from the left-hand sidebar. Then, click here and visit on the "Blog Menu" tab in the top menu.

Step 7: Upload the Database File

Click "Choose File" and select the SQL database file you want to import. This file is usually named something like "yourwebsite.sql" and can be obtained from your previous hosting provider or your local backup.

Step 8: Start the Import

After selecting the file, click "Go" to start the database import process. phpMyAdmin will execute the SQL commands in the file and populate your new database with the WordPress data.

Step 9: Update WordPress Configuration

Now that your database is imported, you'll need to update your WordPress configuration to connect to the new database. Locate your WordPress installation's "wp-config.php" file and edit it. Update the database name, username, and password with the information you created in Steps 3 and 4.

Step 10: Test Your Website

With the database successfully imported and the configuration updated, visit your website to ensure  everything is working as expected. Check for any issues, broken links, or missing content


Congratulations! You've successfully imported a WordPress database using Virtualmin, a fantastic tool for Cheap WordPress hosting  India. This process is essential when migrating your WordPress website or restoring from a backup. Now, your website is ready to thrive on your affordable hosting plan, serving your audience with excellent content and user experience.